My Laboratory

(1) माझ्या प्रयोगशाळेत सर्व प्रकारच्या रक्त चाचण्या केल्या जातील

(2) आपण कमी वेळेत आणि कमी किंमतीत रक्त तपासणी करू शकता

आपण दिलेल्या पत्त्यावर आपले रक्त संकलित केले जाईल आणि रक्त चाचणी अहवाल आपल्या व्हाट्सएपवर पाठविला जाईल. .

Pregnancy test

All types of pregnancy tests will be done in my lab. ( सर्व प्रकारच्या गर्भधारणेच्या चाचण्या माझ्या प्रयोगशाळेत केल्या जातील )

1. CBC 
2. BSL (R)
3. Blood Group
4. HIV
5.Australia Antigen (Aust-Anti)
6.Bleeding Time & Clotting Time (BT-CT)


External blood test ( बाह्य रक्त चाचणी )

TEST NAME                                     TEST PRICE

1.TFT (Thyroid function tests)               200
2.TORCH test                                       
3.Urine culture for bacteria                   400
4.TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)   150


Pregnancy Test
GENETIC TESTS FOR INHERITED DISEASESGenetic testing for inherited diseasesCheck carrier status for certain genetic diseases to determine risk of having a baby with such a diseasePreconception or first trimesterMother and father (blood sample)
Genetic testing for hemoglobin disordersCheck carrier status for certain abnormal hemoglobin disorders to determine risk of having a baby with such a diseasePreconception or during pregnancyMother and father (blood sample)
Cystic fibrosis carrier testingCheck carrier status for CFPreconception or first trimesterMother and father (blood sample)
TESTING TO DETECT HEALTH CONDITIONS IN THE MOTHERBlood glucose or hemoglobin A1cTo screen women at risk of type 2 diabetes (which is different than gestational diabetes)Preconception or first trimesterMother (blood sample)
Pap test and HPV testingScreen for cervical cancer and some STDsPreconception or first trimesterMother (cells from her cervix)
Immunity to rubella (German measles)Check for immunity to the virus, which can cause birth defectsPreconception or first trimesterMother (blood sample)
HIV screening testCheck for HIV infection so steps can be taken to reduce likelihood of transmission to the babyPreconception or first trimester; may be repeated in third trimester if at high riskMother (blood sample)
Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis testsCheck for STD infections, which can cause miscarriage or infect the baby during deliveryPreconception or first trimester; may be repeated in third trimester if at high riskMother (cervical cells, urine or blood sample, depending on test)
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C screeningDetect hepatitis B or hepatitis C infectionPre-conception or first trimester; may be repeated in the third trimester if at high riskMother (blood sample)
Varicella zoster virus testingCheck for immunity to chickenpox, which can cause birth defectsPreconception or first trimesterMother (blood sample)
TORCH panelCheck for infection with toxoplasmosis and other infections that can cause birth defectsPreconception or first trimester, if infections suspectedMother (blood sample)
Bacterial vaginosisDetect infection, which can cause pre-term laborPreconception or whenever symptoms experiencedMother (vaginal secretions)
Urine culture for bacteriuriaDetect bacterial infection in the urinary tract, which can lead to kidney infection or increased risk of pre-term delivery and low birth weightFirst prenatal visit or between 12 and 16 weeks of pregnancy; may be repeated in third trimesterMother (urine sample)
Group B streptococcusDetect infection, which can harm the baby during birth and infect the mother’s uterus, urinary tract, and any incision made during a cesarean sectionBetween weeks 35 and 37 of pregnancyMother (specimen from vaginal and rectal areas)
CONFIRMATION AND MONITORING OF PREGNANCY AND HEALTH OF MOTHERPregnancy test (hCG)Confirm pregnancyFirst trimesterMother (blood sample)
Urine screen for glucose and/or proteinCheck for signs of kidney or bladder infection, undiagnosed diabetes or gestational diabetes, or pre-eclampsiaEach prenatal visitMother (urine sample)
Complete blood count (CBC)Check for anemia and/or detect low platelet countPreconception and/or early in the first trimester; repeated in third trimesterMother (blood sample)
Blood typing and antibody screenCheck for potential incompatibility in blood type between mother and fetus (such as Rh factor antibodies)First trimester; antibody screen repeated between weeks 28 and 29 of pregnancyMother (blood sample)
Glucose challenge test/oral glucose tolerance testCheck for gestational diabetesBetween 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancyMother (blood sample)
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)In women with known thyroid conditions, to adjust medication if necessaryThroughout pregnancyMother (blood sample)
DETECTION OF FETAL ABNORMALITIES OR ASSESSMENT OF RISKFirst trimester Down syndrome screenAssess risk of carrying a fetus with certain chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndromeUsually between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancyMother (blood sample plus ultrasound)
Second trimester maternal serum screenAssess risk of carrying a fetus with certain chromosomal abnormalities or open neural tube defectsBetween 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancyMother (blood sample)
Cell-free fetal DNAAssess risk of carrying a fetus with certain chromosomal abnormalities; currently recommended for women at high risk of having babies with these disordersDuring or after the 10thweek of pregnancyMother (blood sample)
Chorionic villus samplingDetect chromosomal disorders in the fetusBetween weeks 10 and 12 of pregnancy, if recommendedMother (cells from the placenta)
AmniocentesisDetect certain birth defects and chromosomal abnormalitiesBetween 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, if recommendedMother (amniotic fluid)
CordocentesisDetect chromosomal abnormalities, blood disorders, and certain infectionsBetween weeks 18 and 22 of pregnancy, if recommendedMother/fetus (fetal blood sample obtained from vein in the umbilical cord)
FETAL MATURITY/READINESS FOR BIRTHAmniocentesisCheck fetal lung developmentAfter week 32 of pregnancy if risk of pre-term deliveryMother (amniotic fluid)
Fetal fibronectin (fFN)Detect fFN; negative result is highly predictive that pre-term delivery will NOT occur in the next 7-14 daysBetween week 22 and 35 of pregnancy, if having symptoms of pre-term laborMother (cervical or vaginal fluid sample)

All types of pregnancy tests will be done in my lab

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